
ABB 5SHY4045L0006 3BHB030310R0001 控制器模块



① 库存数量:1

② 品牌:ABB

③型号:5SHY4045L0006 3BHB030310R0001


⑤ 运费:根据当地货运代理的不同,应以不同地区的运费为准。

⑥ 是否包含关税:不包含任何税费

⑦ 包装:使用卖方安全包装



ABB开发了一种新的反向导通集成门极换向晶闸管(RC-IGCT)平台,最近,首批产品如4.5kV / 3kA和6.5kV / 2.15kA RC-IGCT已经进入生产阶段。STATCOM应用的高压转换器推动了这一发展多电平模块化转换器(MMC)拓扑。之所以选择IGCT,是因为它的开关频率低,因此具有低损耗的潜力,并且可以直接包含冗余单元,以便在故障后继续运行。


这HPT+平台被结合到新的RC-IGCT中,用于提高高温电流的可控性。随着门电路阻抗的提高(降低了三倍多),系统的电流处理能力可以显著提高。如图3所示,在135°C时,二极管和GCT部分都可以切换到远远超过SOA规格的温度。结温较低时,最大可控电流增加到6 kA以上。


For reliable and efficient operation in high power applications, the Integrated Gate Turn-off Thyristor (IGCT) is the ideal device. The main advantage besides high reliability is the low device losses resulting in low system losses. In this article we compare IGCT and IGBT based 3-level converters with respect to device and system losses.

Since the end of the 1990s, the IGCT became the device of choice in applications where high power handling capability, low losses and high reliability are required. Typical applications are motor drives, interties, breakers and renewables. Reasons for this are the very low on-state losses provided by the thyristor structure, the negligible turn-on losses in the semiconductor and the high reliability of the device. The proven field experience in the aforementioned applications points out the IGCT as the ideal switch for the latest circuit topologies like modular multilevel converters (MMC) especially for highest power handling capabilities like in high-voltage DC current systems (HVDC).



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